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Pàgina d'en Sinner from the Prairy

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o el perquè de Sinner from the Prairy
Sons de la "Pradera"
o la música de la meva vida
o comuniquem-nos!
Links i Cercador
o la nova Pàgina d'en Sinner i el Cercador Google.
Steel Panthers
Guia de supervivència en el camp de batalla (per Wild Bill Raider i Marc "Bayonet" Bellizzi).
Linux en acció
Vols explicar-me alguna cosa?
Clau PGP
La meva clau pública.

Fons d'escriptori fets amb GIMP

L'original (X Background ) el va crear Zeljo Vukman. Utilitzant el fantàstic programa The GIMP agafant com a base el fons d'escriptori original vaig crear aquestes imatges:

Perquè 'Y' i 'Z'? Donçs perque jo utilitzo 3 escriptoris i, si un es diu 'X', lo llògic es anomenar els altres 'Y' i 'Z'.


Captures de pantalla (29-11-2000)

El Linux també és bonic

Quanta+ and Konqueror (191Kb, 1024x768)
X Background, by Zeljo Vukman (13Kb, 512x384)
Y Background, by Sinner from the Prairy (11Kb, 512x384)
Z Background, by Sinner from the Prairy (13Kb, 512x384)
Browsing Madness: Netscape 6 and Konqueror 1.98 (175Kb, 1024x768)


Captures de pantalla amb WINE

El WINE es un projecte per Linux que emula l'existència de Windows (3.1/95/NT/2000) permetent d'utilitzar aplicacions Windows sense utilitzar Windows. Així, veureu que he fet captures de programes de desenvolupament, jocs, utilitats, ...

WINE 20000909

Captures de pantalla fetes amb la versió de WINE del 9 de Septembre de 2000
Borland C++ Builder 1.0 (175Kb, 1024x768)
Steel Panthers: World at War 4.0 installation (71Kb, 1024x768)
Steel Panthers: OOB Editor (161Kb, 1024x768)
Installation of QuickTime on Linux, the wellcome screen
Installation of QuickTime on Linux, select your language and country
Installation of QuickTime on Linux, downloading the selected components
Installation of QuickTime on Linux, updating the registry.
Installation of QuickTime on Linux, ending the install.
Running QuickTime on Linux. Unfortunately, I was unable to play QT movies with this aplication.


CodeWeavers WINE 1.0-pre2 20010112

Captures de pantalla fetes amb la versió proporcionada per Codeweavers (una versió que permet instal·lar i configurar el WINE de forma senzilla) que inclou el WINE del 12 de Gener de 2001.
Acrobat Reader's File selection. It looks wierd. Some problems with a WINE .so library? quite posibly. Trying a newerv ersion of WINE could solve this.
WinZip File selection-1. Some wierdness detected here. Even though, you can work with it.
WinZip File selection-2. Even more wierd! Still workable.
WinZip starting OK.
WinVi32 under Wine. For those vi fanatics over there stuck with Windows, WinVI32 is the best option. For the crazy beta-tester on us, what can be cooler than to run a Vi for Windows under WINE?
RealPlayer for Windows under WINE, playing live radio from internet. Note that there's no visible menu!
RealPlayer for Windows under WINE, with the faulty OpenFile dialog. It works great, though.
NERO Burning ROM under WINE.It seems to work pretty well. No IDE/SCSI bus burners detected, though. You're welcome to test it more, create image files and all that.
You can see Here you have WinAmp with a wierd behaivour. It plays music. The List Window doesn't respond to clicks but... I get music!
Internet Explorer 5.0 showing a wierd behaivour on its menu.
Internet Explorer 5.0's "About..." screen. Scary look, huh?
MS Messenger after signing-in, showing the same annoying messages as in Windows. It crashes after a while, though.
With one user in MS-Messenger and wih another with Everybuddy. Both on-line.
Real time messaging between MS-Messenger and Everybuddy.
MS-Messenger crashed while trying to use the "phone dial". It looks like it's not suppported yet on WINE :(
Starting MediaPlayer on Wine
MediaPlayer playing an MPEG movie: "Maru", a StarWars-uinverse based film with your "meat & potatoes" light-saber duel. Really cool!
Logitech's USB QuickCam software. It starts but it doesn't play. Problems ith VXD devices, I've learnt. But it can do internet upgrade checking flawlessly. Geting closer.
Star Wars: Rebellion starting titles. This is as far as it goes.
Lucas Arts StarWars: Rebellion logo. One day, it will work, I'm sure.
