Page Closed

(Pàgina tancada, Página cerrada, page fermée, Seite gesperrt)

This page is temporarily closed in protest against Software Patents. Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to Software Patents. Software Patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote yourself!

In a couple of minutes,you will be directed to September, 17th European Campaing against Software Patents' website (in Spanish) and in English

Say no to Software patents

Many people and orgnizations are demonstrating against the proposal about software patentability, to be voted at the European Parliament on September, 1st.

We give support to the protest actions, including demonstrations and other activities at Brussels and at other European cities on August, 27th and September, 17th.

If you want to get informed about the problem derived from software patents, please read Why Software Patents are a Problem? (in Spanish), in the dossier Software Patents: a problem for Europe, (in Spanish) or at this session in the Spanish Senate (in Spanish), at ProInnova's website. If you want to join this campaign of closing websites, please, look at the information about demonstrations on the net.

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Aquesta pàgina està tancada temporalment per protesta contra les patents del programari. Molts llocs web podrien tancar ben aviat si les patents son aprobades a Europa. Les patents de programació poden ajudar a que siguis perseguit per publicar textes i programes que hagis escrit tu mateix!

Esta página está cerrada temporalmente como protesta contra las patentes de programación. Muchos sitios web podrían tener que cerrar pronto si éstas se aprueban en Europa. ¡Las patentes de programación pueden ayudar a que seas perseguido por publicar textos y programas que escribiste tú mismo!

Diese Seite wurde zum Protest gegen Logikpatente vorübergehend gesperrt. Bald könnten Webseiten regelmäßig wegen Logikpatenten gesperrt werden. Logikpatente können dazu führen, dass Sie wegen Veröffentlichung selbst entwickelter Texte gerichtlich belangt werden.

Questa pagina è temporaneamente chiusa per protesta contro le patenti di programmazione. Molti siti Web potrebbero presto chiudere se tali leggi venissero approvate in Europa. Le patenti di programmazione possono aiutare a perseguire gli stessi autori dei programmi..

Cette page a été fermée temporairement en signe de protestation contre les brevets logiciels. Bientôt, les pages web pourront être fermées régulièrement à cause de brevets logiciels. Les brevets logiciels peuvent faire en sorte que vous pourriez être puni a cause de textes que vous avez créé indépendemment.

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