Versión del kernel

Para saber si nuestra versión de kernel es actual o estable, basta con poner:

 # finger

El resultado será algo así:

 The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:           2.4.19
 The latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree is:    2.4.20-pre4
 The latest beta version of the Linux kernel is:             2.5.32
 The latest prepatch for the beta Linux kernel tree is:      2.5.8-pre3
 The latest 2.2 version of the Linux kernel is:              2.2.21
 The latest prepatch for the 2.2 Linux kernel tree is:       2.2.22-rc1
 The latest 2.0 version of the Linux kernel is:              2.0.39
 The latest prepatch for the 2.0 Linux kernel tree is:       2.0.40-rc6
 The latest -ac patch to the stable Linux kernels is:        2.4.20-pre4-ac2
 The latest -dj patch to the beta Linux kernels is:          2.5.30-dj1